Friday, February 17, 2012

GAYBY BABY - a documentary-in-the-making by Maya Newell and Charlotte McLellan

GAYBY BABY DOCUMENTARY from Gayby Baby on Vimeo.
password: gaybybaby


Crowdfunding is being sought for this extraordinary project. Please support the filmmakers, Maya Newell and Charlotte McLellan, to tell the untold story of children growing up in same-sex families.

About the Project

Please support us to tell the untold story of children growing up in same-sex families.

We will spend the money from this crowdfunding campaign on two upcoming shoots:

(1) Three gayby kids will be marching in the Mardi Gras Parade in Sydney on March 3. We’d love to capture this incredible experience.

(2) Another gayby, from Alice Springs, is competing in the Northern Territory swimming
championships, also in March.

If we don’t reach our pledge, all the contributions will be returned. It’s all or nothing, so we really hope you can support Gayby Baby.

Why I Want To Make This Documentary

Gayby Baby is a documentary that I have felt I need to make for a long time. When I was a kid, there were not that many other children with gay parents. I would have loved to have been able to watch a film and feel that my experiences were shared. So I’ve decided to make that film.

This is a film to create a voice for children in same-sex families and also to encourage a healthier understanding in the public arena surrounding queer families.

We live in a country where same-sex couples are not allowed to marry and conservatives continually say we need a mother and a father. I want to change that because I have loved growing up with two mothers. In my opinion, children need love, security and support and it doesn’t matter if that is given by one parent, two parents or more.

- Maya Newell, director


“I am a gayby (a person with gay parents) and I have a story to tell about kids like me”
- Director Maya Newell

Australia is in the midst of a gayby-boom. Twenty-four percent of gay and lesbian couples are now raising a child and their queer spawn are invisibly roaming Australian streets and schools.

In the 70s and 80s, when same-sex marriage and IVF for lesbian mothers was just a pipe dream, some decided not to wait on progress, but to create it. These first generation gaybies have grown-up, and together with an increasing number of gayby children they're a cultural phenomenon we know nothing about. Who are they? And what is it like to grow up with same-sex parents?

While most kids are grappling with the idea of Man + Woman = Baby, gaybies are fluent in IVF technologies. They are well versed on how to hide their families, see a very different side to sexual discrimination, and it is largely unrecognized that gaybies have to "come out" too. The documentary will explore what our schools are teaching kids about "family", what exactly is a "father figure" and are they important? And how does a teenager complain about their parents when they're always trying to prove their family has a right to exist?


Charlotte McLellan (producer) has been producer’s assistant to Penny Chapman, Helen Panckhurst & Helen Bowden (of Matchbox Pictures) on a number of productions including documentary Leaky Boat, Doc-series Sex: An Unnatural History, and TV dramas The Straits, My Place and The Slap. She has made two shorts, which have screened at Flickerfest, Byron Bay Int’l Film Fest, and has been awarded a Kodak Award and an ArtStart screenwriter’s scholarship.

Maya Newell, director (ABOVE), has made a number of short-form documentaries that have been screened at film festivals such as SilverDocs, Slamdance, Sarasota, Adelaide and Perth revelelation. She received an award in 2011 for Best Australian New Talent in Documentary at AIDC in Adelaide.

Gayby Baby has been selected to participate in the Screen Australia / Sprectrum 2.0 FanDependant mentor program.

Stay in touch with Gayby Baby on Facebook:
and follow us on Twitter: @gaybybaby

Video edited by: Nick Waterman
Music by: Benjamin Speed

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